Reflection! Reflection! Reflection!

I was always told that, the key to growth and maturity is not about how long you live, how much you are experiencing, but about how well you reflect on your own journey.

I just had a really different week, which might be one of the most intensive weeks in my life. It was difficult, frankly, but it was rewarding. I had the chance to look at myself, and to see how I can handle a different environment. So here they are, my reflections:

1. You will always make mistakes, but it’s better to be good and ready than perfect and late. There were a lot of things that I did for the first time that I had never tried before. But still, I had to make the decisions, acted like I know it all – because people relied on me. And it turned out: some of my decisions worked, some just failed. So that was life – I told myself. But through this, I believe stronger in just try and fail instead of being afraid of imperfection.

2. You should always have values and belief to count on, because those might sometimes be your last defense. I made a lot of mistakes during the week, and so do people around me. I received many complaints, I self-doubted very often, I saw things were not going as I planned. Damn, that was terrible. There were moments that I felt like I could not breathe because of pressure. At the end of the day, I did not drop it, 1 reason was that I simply couldn’t, another reason was that I had values and belief to hang on to. And… the last reason was that I was grateful that I have people to count on.

3. Accept that you might get upset, weak, lonely and vulnerable. Sometimes bad emotions arised, and I just let them be there. I tried to fine, tried to pretend that they were surreal, but they were not. They were valid feelings. So yea, I allowed them to arised, minimizing acting on that. 

Overall, those were 3 lessons that I learned during just one week. I learned them before, now that they came back stronger. I will forget these lessons again, and learn them another time. For now, that is fine. I will take a rest, relieved that it’s done, proud that I made it, and wait for the next chapter of life.

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